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What are Import And Export Agents?

Import agents assist foreign businesses with transporting and selling their products in China. Export agents connect domestic companies to the international shipping services most suited to their business.

E-HENG is an intermediary between the consigner and consignee. The payment method will be by sales commission or distribution rights. The agency does not have currency or market risk because it does not own distribution rights. They do not need to take credit in the operation.

Some logistical companies can provide the loaning and stock financing services to the clients who require capital. This is one part of supply chain management.

Target Clients:

1. For enterprises that have no connection with distributors in China; E-HENG will help them sign an agreeable contract.

2. For international companies or domestic agents of Multi-national corporations in need of international transporting services, E-HENG will aid in customs clearance and product delivery.是国家经贸委批准的“一级货运代理”。自成立以来迅速扩大发展公司的业务及规模以优质的服务赢得了广大国内外客户的信赖与支持。近年随着集团的整体业务发展,海运业务也在集团内得到了迅速的发展。

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