As an international logistics giant TNT, such as the Chinese logistics enterprises OCS supplier, we can better understand foreign enterprise logistics to the service request and the time value, thus to provide more excellent service, first-class service, perfect logistics network, advanced information management system (independent research and development) provide for the customer to arrive from start, to the ground from the air, the entire online tracking service for customers in the market competition, thus far ahead in the business success for our clients to provide more reliable guarantee.国际专线门到门:价格实惠,时效快,普货 大宗货物推荐渠道;
EMS - 清关能力强,网点广泛,可走物品:牌子货、食品、香烟、茶叶、药品、衣物等生活日常用品,时效5-7个工作日(双休日除外)
DHL - 时效快捷,价格便宜,适合国际商务快递:(DHL可分深圳DHL和香港DHL)