亚洲-澳洲 / 亚洲-模里西斯
散货海运服务网络遍布全球130多个国家,服务据点多达260余处,所经营的远、近洋全货柜定期航线涵盖全球五大区块:亚洲-北美航线 / 亚洲-加勒比海地区;亚洲-欧洲航线 / 亚洲-地中海;欧洲-美国东岸大西洋;亚洲-澳洲 / 亚洲-模里西斯、南非、南美;亚洲区域航线 / 亚洲-中东、红海 / 亚洲-印度次大陆地区。除了主要航线外,亦开辟了区域性接驳船的服务网,如加勒比海及印度次大陆等地区,缩短运送时间,协助货主掌握商机。I, and the world's leading air express company to cooperate, through international express network loyalty, professional, excellent and reliable air express courier service, with rich experience in selling the trust of customers.
Also the agent for DHL, TNT, UPS, FEDEX, and other international courier business; ultra-low prices, large better price to protect the quality of the shipment and exports of goods, please contact us!